Building a prospering, sustainable, and healthy Montgomery County.
In FY 2024, Montgomery County Green Bank accelerated its pace of facilitating energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to address the urgency in meeting the County’s climate objectives, generating more than $105 million in closed projects. Our active market engagement, a growing staff dedicated to community engagement, and improved connections with contractors, property owners, and developers have fueled the pipeline to help meet the County’s greenhouse reduction goals.
Montgomery County Green Bank is excited to move forward with significant momentum in investments and impact, strong alignment on energy and equity, and a proven platform to support County leadership on climate adaptation, green job creation, economic recovery, and quality of life. We thank all who have collaborated on our progress.
“Working with the Green Bank has helped us work better with our customers to achieve the best energy efficiency outcomes.”
“It was a very straightforward process. What you saw was what you get. There was no hidden fees or hidden questions about what the financing process was going to go through. Easy financing through the Green Bank has been awesome and allowed us to do this project.”
“We would have never gone solar without the Montgomery County Green Bank.”
“If it hadn’t been for Green Bank, we wouldn’t be in a better position now than we were.”
“The Green Bank’s participation in the loan, which supplied 48% of the financing for these projects, allowed us to proceed on all three projects in a timely fashion, rather than having to stagger them out over a 5-to-6-year period. We truly appreciate our relationship with the Green Bank.”
“The collaboration with the Montgomery County Green Bank was fundamental in bringing this program to market and make it an effective financing tool for homeowners throughout the state.”
“The partnership with the Green Bank has shown how combining resources and talents can achieve significant new and innovative financing for commercial property owners in the County.”
“As we enter a second year of partnership with the Green Bank, walking dozens of congregations through the process of going solar, I want every congregation in the county to know that there’s never been a better moment to go solar at no upfront cost.”
“The Green Bank team worked extensively with us to understand our project financing needs and the resources needed to fit within our existing financing, and delivered key funding for our major clean energy project.”
“By working with the green bank, we’re not only able to put solar on the roof, but we’re going to be putting in a community solar project so that members of our congregation and others, as well as the church will be getting a discount to help with their energy needs.”
“More importantly, I want to thank all of you on behalf of the County, the Department of Environmental Protection, and specifically my team that works every day on climate and energy issues for everything you are doing to further the County’s climate efforts and improve the lives of County residents. I was involved in the Green Bank when it was merely a concept on paper, and to see the things you are doing now is truly amazing!”