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Need last-minute help with benchmarking and data verification to meet Montgomery County’s June 1, 2023 deadline? Then contact the Green Bank immediately. We partner with benchmarking and data verification experts that may have the capacity to help you meet the County’s requirements ahead of the deadline.
Montgomery County’s Energy Benchmarking Law requires building owners to track energy use of buildings 25,000 gross square feet and greater in the county, have the data verified, and report it to the County annually.
The submission deadline for all Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4 covered buildings in the County is Wednesday, June 1, 2023! This includes commercial buildings of 25,000 sq. ft. and greater and multifamily buildings 250,000 sq. ft and greater.
Contact our Technical Assistance experts today at — even with the short deadline, there’s a chance we can help! Plus, the County offers up to a 30-day extension if you complete this form before the deadline.
The law also requires you to meet long-term site energy use intensity performance standards. Here, too, we can help.
The Green Bank’s Technical Assistance Program helps you define a business case for energy conservation measures on your commercial properties in Montgomery County.
For a great start for your retrofitting and renovation initiatives, we can cover a portion of the cost of ASHRAE Level I, Level II, Level III/ Investment Grade Audits, plus feasibility analyses—and show you how you can ultimately save time and money.
We will help you understand the needs of your building and show you how to pay for them using various utility, local, and statewide incentives, and operating savings to service debt. “We find a lot of condominiums have such a need to help with their systems and retrofits,” says Scott Dicke, Associate Director, Commercial & Industrial at Montgomery County Green Bank.
“We have experts, engineers, building systems professionals to bring expertise and fill the gaps. You may not have to pay for the study work to figure out what needs to get done.”
Looking at EV charging infrastructure? Solar power upgrades? Improving indoor air quality? The Green Bank funds the studies to help you there, too. Funding support generally exceeds 25% of initial study cost!
Apply for Technical Assistance Funds: Prequalified energy audit service providers and property owners in the County can use this Application Form to request funds.
More Questions? Email the Technical Assistance Program Director at or call 240-453-9000.
Montgomery County Help: The County’s Official Guide for Building Energy Benchmarking helps owners to comply with the Building Energy Benchmarking Law, with background info, instructions, and details about reporting benchmarking data.