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Online Resources, Webinars, and Trainings For You and Your Staff
Are you thinking of ways to enrich your staff while you’re staying-at-home?You can take advantage of these learn-at-home resources.
ENERGY STAR Recorded Webinars and Online Contractor Trainings
Learn about the latest ENERGY STAR residential programs, recognizing advanced energy efficiency in homes, or revisit your contractor trainings for Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, and refresh requirements, objectives, and strategies
Home Energy Score Training Webinars
Brush up on your Home Energy Score understanding with these webinars from the U.S. DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge
The Smart Energy Home: Driving Residential Building Decarbonization
States, cities, and utilities across the region have made aggressive commitments to deep carbon reductions. Distributed energy resources coupled with strategic electrification is critical in achieving these carbon reductions. But adding electric load and distributing resources has the potential to cause additional problems for energy systems. Enter the smart energy home. Already being pursued for customer benefits, smart energy homes can turn potential load liabilities into grid assets.
The Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) hosted a public webinar to explore their 2019 report. View the slides or webinar recording.
Building Performance Association Online Trainings
Online Training offers a flexible and cost-effective opportunity for you to gain the knowledge you need to take your skillset to the next level. BPA courses allow for you to earn CEUs and learn about the most cutting edge topics in residential energy efficiency from our industry’s top trainers.
HabitatX Curated Webinars
The Habitat X Webinars are built with a simple principle in mind: to connect working professionals at their desks in ways that are meaningful and productive. For this series of Spring Webinars, we chose topics that were on the agenda for the 2019 Summer National Conference. Current webinars include “The Good Business of Healthier Homes”, “The Whirlwind Evolution of Modern Utilities”, and “A Bullish Approach to Home Performance”.